Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

From my Sweetie.

I actually received them yesterday, and any time you get flowers from your sweetie, well to quote someone famous " It's a good thing!"

I have them at work so I can enjoy them all day ( and besides, so far I was the only one to get flowers at work. OK girls, eat you heart out!!!).

We will be going out for dinner on Sunday, just the 2 of us, so I am getting kind of excited about tghe idea. It's been a long time since we've been able to go out without the girls coming too.

happy Valentine's Day everyone, now go out and hug someone.

1 comment:

Monkee Maker said...

Ooh, beautiful flowers, you lucky thing!

I hope you have a lovely time on your grown-up meal out together too.
