My beautiful prize from The Vicious Chicken . It came so much faster then I expected. It was sitting there waiting for me to come home from work ( along with 2 very excited girls, wanting to rip it open and see what kind of things a vcicoius chiken would send).
DD#2 was so upset when I made her wait until this morning to open the package ( well I had to take a picture of it, but it was too dark last night to get a good picture - see above). So this morning we took it to school with us, and snapped the picture while dropping her off. Here you can see her excitedly holding the package. Soon after the shot was snapped, she tore into the package to see the cup inside. While it was true I was pretty happy with the cup, she was far more interested in the monkey magnet. I convinced her to put it down with the cup and treats so I could get a pic of it( sorry it's not the best pic, but does show the booty), but that was the last I saw of it. She wouldn't give it up, but instead kept it to show all her friends at school. I only hope it comes home with her as well.
Hooray! I'm so glad that it got there safely, and that you like it. Also very pleased that your daughter liked the monkey face :o)
Great goodies, and a lovely snap of your daughter too!
I'm hoping VC will publish the pattern for that cute little monkey face .... I can't come up with one myself!
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