Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who's Up For Shots?

Since we are planning to travel to Costa Rica next month, we needed to see about shots/vaccines for the trip. I took the girls to the pediatrician, and found DDs both needed 2 shots and some oral medicines for the trip. While waiting for the doctor to come into the room, the girls were jumping off the furniture, singing and dancing, demanding they get their shots (secretly I was amused and figured they had forgotten what it was like to get those nasty things). When the nurse came in with the tray of shots, suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore.

The older daughter went first, and panicked a little when discovered it really did involve a needle. Thank goodness the nurse was quick, and did both shots with a minimum of fuss. She was able to give the shots, then slap a band aid on before DD1 was able to make too much drama about her experience.

DD2, now a little apprehensive, took her shots with a little more fuss (but not too much wiggling, so she must have known it would hurt more if she did), but all in all was good. The nurse, again ever efficient, was able to give DD2 the shots, but unfortunately it bled a little. The site of the blood on her sister's arm had DD1 freaking out some. Honestly it was such a small amount, but older sister, already panicked by her shots, was now really panicked that her sister was bleeding (who in turn began to panic herself). The nurse put a band aid on it, and that should have been the end of it, but older sister kept carrying on about how her sister was bleeding.

Let's hope when she grows up, she doesn't pick a career where blood in involved. i somehow think she won't do well. The young girl, I sometimes think she should be a < hren=""> dentist<\a>. She does seem to enjoy the pain (inflicting, not receiving).

1 comment:

Monkee Maker said...

I'm sure all their upset will be worth it for a fab family holiday in Costa Rica :)

And thanks for the reminder .... have to go and give blood on Tuesday .... oo-er