I love this, my DD2 was counting horses in her coloring book and when she came to eleven, she said "...One-teen, Two-teen, Three-teen..." I know I should have corrected this, but it was too cute to mess with.
OK, now I am feeling the pressure. My job has changed at work, so I now answer the main phone. I'm feeling very chained-dwon as it was made very clear the phone MUST be monitored at all times. It is not suppse to go into the automated system at any time during the normal work day. One time, about a month ago I was put in charge of the phone ( I can answer the phone, how hard can that be...), but missed a call. I never heard the phone ring, but I sure heard the CEO when he talked at me about it later (it was him calling in). Since then I haven't been exactly chummy with the phone( I'll add at thi point this isn't a desktop phone, it's a wireless portable phone, that allows you to answer the main line remotely, and transfer calls to employees at the building). The button pushing can be a little complicated. Anyway, I am beginning to really dislike the phone. On the other hand, I am learning everyone's extension like I never knew before...
OTN: Daffodils is coming along. I am on row 83, not quite as fast as I would have liked, but still, it growing. If I can keep this pace up, I will be done with this section by the end of the week ( as hoped, to only begin section F next week). I am panicing a little, I fear I won't get it done by the wedding (which now that I think about it, I don't realy know when it is for sure, only that it's in October some time). If I miss the date a little, it probably won't matter much. I know they are going away on a honeymoon, so I can always give it to them when they come back. Still, I am pushing to get this done. I will probably put GALKAL away for now so I can concentrate on this and maybe one or both of the secret stole projects I signed up for. Both of the projects are with Germany knitting groups, so I am struggling a little with the language, but still am excited to try it this way. the patterns will be charted so that won't be a problem (both groups havepeople who speak both languages that can help if there's a problem, so I'm not worried there either). I am excited about them both- altrhough when I joined both groups, I really thought I would be done with thias Shawl by now...bummer I'm not. I have to say clue 4 really take the wind out of my sails...it went on forever.
I haven't even started into Halloween yet. For DD2 , she'll either be a tiger, or a pegasus ( assuming her school allows these characters.. they are funny about what they like and dislike). DD1 wants to be a princess, but I will have to check with the school. For some reason, I recall this being on the list of unacceptable. I can't think of why, I think it had something to do with "Fairies", "Magical", "Scarry", Anti-Halloween Christian thinking. I will have to look into this so I can get a move on. I don't want to be up the night before, sewing her costume(besides, If I let it go too long, all the good fabric will be gone).I know I said I don't want to be sewing it the night before, but I probably will be anyway.
I better get a move on, lots to do, so little time...